
Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Daddy Pig (Final)

Daddy Pig chortles disinfectant,
the carousel hologram of a boat race 
colliding from Lubberland just wait 
two thousand leagues in Dover alone!!!
all foppish fair haired boys ahoy in traditional 
oak quad sculls shaped like Cricks double helix, 
going 500 miles an hour in pure indomitable 
pluck and will! the thrusters to blunt 
of heraldic bleed, Blue boys swilling 
on the beach bald coots Logie Leggatt here
to bleat and bust any crabbed youngsters!
big the wall and build it firmer this country 
faces a downhill snip on a two-bit pence!
fuck that right off 'you want some? I'll give it ya!' 
played anthem at the WALL in a 16th century imprint 
TIME nor CHANGE can occur here until 
the formation of a Bully Furking outside Calx,
a wallop like a pudding en surprise; 
for a testimonial pitch parade everyone
larping halfway in a Bad Calx bed eyed skivers
kicked on to the goal every plutocracy, 
every bureaucracy, has also been a gerontocracy
on common ladder at H.Q. Eugenics House 
given the same native ability promotion 
queue suddenly fell in membership 
a clapped out base born whirligig, 
with sumptuary laws to eat dunce liver 
in the same hall feckless to themselves
rolling around drunk and it burns up all the grass 
so tremendous is its noxious influence
only confusing the counsel,
so refill summers bloom 
on drunken watch the Pioneer Corps presided 
Amen! a boat as brains, 
that one man was much like another 
cost this vast floating army cum laude 
under new dispensation sinks 
homme moyen sensuel  
the ladder will be reformed 
pattern colour and all. 

Monday, 29 June 2020

Ode to Mini (Final)

Slithering on a heat belt made of 
ambrosia in the corner 
is the chief whip
a chubby fingered naughty
in a truce don't call a basket or other receptacles below, 
no the large crowd predicted as usual
that there would be no significant rival claimants
all being all saying and sharing none of its DNA
in the first place so make off-white wickerwork 
like beauty in Victoriana pop and  
it toured globally for many years! HUZZAH
staged as mimes of English history in perjury 
in fields the brass wrought 
to the cub hymning back to 
an impossible sweat gland 
to lay a scent and pick up
to lay one more persistent!
is death of clique leaders 
in a collision on the A149 at Sandringham.
What are you going to do?
Are you going to fine him?
Are you going to put him in prison? It’s ridiculous. 
The outcome is satisfactory and his 
car runs on a crisp white wine, 
that is satisfactory and it smells
delicious through the hills.

I saw 14-year-olds carry out
hideous acts of courage
with cracked heads and things like that,
yelled at stones and trees
more brokenheads in the morning then!
they yelled at 
stones and I called God and 
the military and both came on the dot
now what the fuck are you going to 
do, I've got God and the Military 
on call whenever the fuck I want. 
The outcome is inevitable, this is 
your dirt grave. 

I said it was 
out of the ordinary standing there
but oh! the glow-stick vigil garden 
is beauty without measure and it
all started to compost, all for a seatbelt probe
eleven teddy bears walked out 
in sobbing protest the plants still 
in vigil glow followed them one by one 
all the way around Europe and back 
my love for you. The police 
and a number, withering in
Althorpe you and what fucking army 
Johnny Oddball pyro-queen nothing 
to stand on or face the full
force of law your life
this dough ball fondling 
legs just gave way to a new-style 
share platter, out the ordinary 
woke up in a bath of shit mud who's coming 
of silver shining through  
that's just the way I am
the way I was bred!


Plain clothed Technocrats hang on a tight 
budget bootstrapped the average cost of a funeral 
in the UK now stands as potentially redundant, totally 
as in compulsory that some other person remarked 
the axiom physics no two bodies can occupy 
one and the same place be rude 
floccinaucinihilipilification turn aside the poor
double iniquitous casting breach of solvent 
pyre castigate a long table turned 
I'm Ronnie Fucking Pickering 
Ronnie Fucking Pickering 
Ronnie Fucking Pickering 
the horses are apoplectic 
overcharged by the multitude 
capsized homeland a pure shambles 
singing Vienna goodnight blossom 
locked in this comfy shed tinkering 
set to grow out the masses on a 
comedy hillside turn on the terrified 
run its the only way out gobshite! 
geriatric paradise dozing cluster 
of pets atop slender poles 
jizz of guillemots a modest 
memorial of your lives 
death breach of post-humous 
repayment schemes kindred 
clay pipe and acknowledged corner 
snug in cotton fuddle the million 
petalled flower I stare at day and night
day and night and call out to the sun
you don't see a chariot carrying 
your granny away you haven't lived
my standing chill branded in the beautiful 
rays bleeding on that bed the actual habit of estimating 
better times when the flames spread radially 
around the petals, and all were alight, 
alas stems rose slowly from the gaping 
floorboards pealing upright with a single
massive flame a sacred gasp clap went 
around the house as it lifted 
o spare me spare me I will work 
work so hard for you under the yonder 
tree cast in gold between 
the anvils of the stars, Clare Balding 
and Supreme Court watching adrift or ashore 
without others all I could hear was the wind, 
and everywhere birdsong 
and morning doves 
the dirt beneath my feet

In Surrey (Final)

A crap misaim bottled of sable 
colour wired together 
in clop of blondish tuff
asking for dodo meat again outside 
for old times sake an obsolete light 
stills the silk jackets out in  
Cookham melt brittle toenails to the sun 
purlin in defect blat pril the sweet air, 
wherein my joys are a chest pain 
under the dropping floors 
its satyr chorus of imperium 
hard-ons this soil 
is grace and favour like eaves 
shaded long in a psychodrama 
hell submissive loyal to
portfolio marquee screening 
the kindred grandezza in
nacreous snail trail all popped 
white-collar clubmen 
moue in tandem toby jugged
ranine dinner speech  
muzzle the coffers  
mine hence not yours  

Snakes and Ladders (FINAL)

Opulent snakes and ladders
on which bullion with ice 
pillow gets kippered
on merit gutless peeling in virtue,
a bouquet of life the lawn 
decibel noise reduction panels &
the doors are closed,
squinting gables through premium 
petrol curls up a secluded Ponte Giardino
and down with our enemies rest on 
cash in chub stained dawn ruses 
you can't chasten a flower-filled consort 
of fair ideals the subordinates keep
keening on some cordoned fence 
crusted in doubloons and trackie bums 
poor bleeders piss off and die
like a rat in the rubbish, 
gilts fléches in Teutoburg Forest
as Autumn of Euro-Ketchup 
nothingness & never today

Our Village (FINAL)

An emotion of shoes fitted 
to thank the Government!
GOD selling on the plea shortage yes
hung from a peg yes standing 
in half a dozen half-acres 
of pseudo-park regurgitated, 
I speak of Taplow, 
Burnham and Bray
the world is one magnificent shop 
on green and pleasant land you
can sell whatever you want!

To share the name of our village
when it spreads and you feel grateful
remember it uses numbers,
measurements and indicators
in early warning systems thats
physics up the crane on Wimpey home
building sites to harmonize 
with the semi-detached villas
as a mission statement 
to preserve this exclusive ambiance
at least one servant must be forced 
into the smallest practical size 
and should be kept to the rear of 
the property, below the ridge line
and out of sight of any unsympathetic
shopfront elements putting me in ecstasy 
to waste, death, violence 
and animal cruelty on Monday ask 
again to share the name of our village!

Ask genetic egress its appetite 
to share the name of our village
and then leave social starlings
use keypad to enter First name, 
Last name and extension number surrounded by
the air islands remember our village
in the wind over half a dozen half-acres! 
and the water closet flows 
none other than the maternal silk 
ribbon that shoots pure hot
bliss and you will be the reason of 
these names and you will be natural and clean
and you can share the name of our village!

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Daddy pig (Draft/Unfinished)

Daddy Pig chortles disinfectant,
the carousel hologram of a boat race 
colliding from Lubberland just wait 
two thousand leagues in Dover alone!!!
all foppish fair haired boys ahoy in traditional 
oak quad sculls shaped like Crick's double helix, 
going 500 miles an hour in pure indomitable 
pluck and will! the thrusters to blunt 
of heraldic bleed, Blue boys swilling 
on the beach bald coots Logie Leggatt here
to bleat and bust any crabbed youngsters!
big the wall and build it firmer this country 
faces a downhill snip on a two-bit pence!
fuck that right off 'you want some? I'll give it ya!' 
played anthem at the WALL in a 16th century imprint 
TIME nor CHANGE can occur here until 
the formation of a Bully Furking outside Calx,
a wallop like a pudding en surprise; 
for a testimonial pitch parade everyone
larping halfway in a Bad Calx bed eyed skivers
kicked on to the goal every plutocracy, 
every bureaucracy, has also been a gerontocracy
on the common ladder at H.Q. Eugenics House 
given the same native ability promotion 
queue suddenly fell in membership 
a clapped out base born whirligig, 
with sumptuary laws to eat dunce liver 
in the same hall feckless to themselves
rolling around drunk and it burns up all the grass 
so tremendous is its noxious influence
only confuse the counsel so refill summers bloom 
on drunken watch the Pioneer Corps presided 
Amen! a boat as brains, 
that one man was much like another 
cost this vast floating army cum laude 
under new dispensation sinks 
homme moyen sensuel  
the ladder will be reformed 
pattern colour and all. 

Friday, 19 June 2020

the arms which by royal right belong to Us (DRAFT/UNFINISHED)

Play of burnt tobacco shit 
a spine record of the north circular 
swilling troupe of postured urban death
everted ganglia in  
a poor mans wing, 
strange organs and sprandles 
with bulbs sporting unknown usages 
intro-bolted vertebrae  
on a epoch fucking machine,
look into the arche-furnace arriving 
so early the anonymity will recover 
in your children's children's birthmarks 
like Lilly fanged treason whose perpetuity 
a new ear fed from tools, muscles,
memory expiring along with it,
dream fallen on royal mandible keeps
growing lasting for ages to come
a home worthy of Name
and Name alone sinks.


You are on the floor 
against a natural locomotion 
a dribbler suffering
engrams laid in lordotic 
curve hearing the finest noises
curtailed in a fulcrum 
hides history past for equalised sleep 
quick into coltish laminae 
an inner body experience vanishes 
to the head, the worst climate 
of all how to use a telephone 
that's time and money comrade 
sing for me a tune 
out the ladle of ethical fact 
they took my name and put it in a rose,
and they'll never give it back 

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Monday, 15 June 2020

SERE, 2020

Oil on canvas, 45x45cm  Painted on my behalf in Dafen, Shenzhen. Based on Christopher Hitchens own ‘Lashed to the Mast’ experience for Vanity Fair 2008.

Sunday, 7 June 2020

Libertines at the Palace, 2020

Oil on canvas, 45x45cm  Painted on my behalf in Dafen, Shenzhen. Depicting the lighting fixtures present in the libertines palace in Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom by Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Walking Carts and Leading Strings (DRAFT/UNFINISHED)

The natural born athletes rule
from private stock orbit think of
running pins through lobes of ears
to sensate noble duelling 
a knot tradition slip one whole anachronism 
down from the cornice spits all silver on me
funny the serpentine belt flies off 
a heart tensor makes it out alive 
you and me are retold in some gullied suspension 
unit now everyone as a Lowry match-stick 
in colour broomed on in your head 
the coarser movement feigns the repeated
gesture, Leave strangle the ring-ouzel, find a home
re-assembled strange workplace this is 
your new carrel and a face is raining over there 
fix it quick the tentative sprig mush, I can't refuse 
the nudge in stock refuge grips thought
contracts semi-automatic angel behind the alibi
of business as usual compacts the intangibles 
get a fucking life and win it!
resolve the polarity whilst 
the owner stays put! do all that 
even more tennis match-stick wanderers 
blown into breeze forget the convex sunlight burns out 
the outboard aspheric surface
the headlamps burns you in a blind spot 
raised in bastard colour dais more tennis 
perform more running toward the centerline as 
elimination advance to this our current 
off-speed serving you the bits you were 
you happened to always be! 
the net pinches at cost just about 
operational remember drizzle 
cancelled your heart has shown signs 
of a rococo faith? 

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Ostrich Landlord (2018) spray paint, epoxy resin, duck tape


Wednesday, 3 June 2020


841 x 594 mm

QC (JUDGE TWO) A1 Poster

841 x 594 mm

QC (JUDGE ONE) A1 poster

841 x 594 mm

The lights of London (DRAFT/UNFINISHED)

Safe-deposit boxes crescere 
on bridge gardens hang like caesar fluff
in fat celiac artery the public cash self flowers
in filled temple rents the stamen gurned out 
features of a good maker, green fingered 
between acts of mercy you make or 
or justice you hold open
as a double motif the best price
to tender a local suspension
in city bargain you lose in 
urban centres ailing tusks 
night watch stalks game 
brooms masted the correct response adult
Dulwich lover stern copse on mulch: 
'you're no stranger to riots yourself' 
a thick lacquer on the window frames
in same city bargain you love the terror of the flame 
in the eyes of petulant con gaberdine
skiver start the pent warren glistening 
as a ringlet bulletin so sorry
so tender buildings in urban centres
disposed don't live between 
that and a cribbed heart
the dry riser is at worst blamed ashes