
Sunday, 26 July 2020

gettinthebackofthevan (DRAFT)

You and the amoeba 
crusade add more vaseline
it helps reproach the skin 
promotes bacterial proliferating
on the surface of this wound 
leading to infection of the guardia 
the fixed levy of my held lapels 
by civil recon the light of 
recovery is just a format 
soaking nerves high-end 
when the ventricles are full 
of mother rot, you split 
into moonlight the roof 
of my chanting mouth 
estuary for the love of drink 
make it known on buswheels
make it sound in deathbred
for the shrewd enemy salvo 
always in a brotherly junta 
I bathe in Holsten 
larger remember
you roll idle in plumage  
safely unworked 
use tiny magic hammers 
as if no tomorrow to abolish starres
on this sad & sorry land no good kip
fills me with milk laissez faire, 
we have our names and hold 
them like lost Jules Rimet and wait 
knuckles down for our Mr. Pickles
in the hedgerows, but my
slip chain of self-appreciation 
fails me cry me a ladder 
I am to be buried in My Back Garden
with all the Angry Men. 

Friday, 24 July 2020


The door swings
its luck and electrum
there is no room at the inn
cancelled alcohol reminders 
'he earns more money than the lot of 
us all combined'! and I'm so glad 
I'm not in school, boss!
on your friend ladder steps
its me gumption! its me galley braided 
none-chops, I'm the version that you needle
bred with morning hands 
in the red stay of light, you shielded and dug me 
in hardener thank you I will work 
in vine leaf image, perf naive the lot
and take the bullet in the heart 
which could only be so voluntarily
debased to be left as voice memos


Tell me of spent dole line 
you speak from the forcible keel of 
bread in your fingernails 
rolled into a half shaded bolus,
talk mends wise old rat in the garden
you have deforest'd  
the edge of your accessory fancy dress
a novelty arm dangling joke set
the wallflowers of a brotherhood 
one by one the pockets out of which 
he pulled cantatas of criss-crossed
Globes laid out like pizza menus 
O' fidelity is it in an elegant 
resume curriculum vitae


Tuesday, 14 July 2020


car vinyl, metal paint, epoxy resin, industrial rubber, vaseline 
180cm x 180cm x2

Sunday, 12 July 2020


car vinyl, industrial rubber, epoxy resin, paint
180cm x 180 x 2

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Eligible Children (DRAFT)

Eligible children if you die 
then dreadful trumpets will 
haunt your family's glorious 
coat of arms burying the flowers 
in marshland, acid pleat little
Goldilocks all your coffers dispersed 
mangled amongst a baying pauper nest 
trove of skivers bone to bone
hillock skies rain cheese
yet here we lay in dreamers dream 
roses bestride in glassy stream 
my head in furrows loam from 
morning until eve an egg 
germinates a frog free from all tyranny.  

Years pass and the doom cast drivers 
hurtle to hooting on the ruins 
of this devastated world our forsaken frog
is now subterranean being remade 
in rootkit swill he has arisen 
in shopping cart blitzkrieg muted and 
transmogrified across all time 
as a failed exorcism where Mastery finds 
itself in the inter-passive online delicatessen
preening a YouTube soliloquy aeternum. 

The contemporary helices 
for your head is a parasite brain
where your undamaged world sings 
a suburbana mumbling blue hue 
the frog has amassed a large 
trove of elders gilded in the router, 
the chortle nest of haemorrhoids   
wrapped around this hive mind
and perforated in callouts all doffed
and no where to go, hole closes. 

'Truth seeking' on a jiggle peak 
or wallbang this scythe 
crashing into the inner wall of
your parasite brain its dearest 
kept patriot bulldog cut to poor
crucible, the pageantry of 
urine culverts they gleam under light 
they shimmer in the sink 
when you wake shaking
to be found later in a hedgerow 
with baited breathe carping 
a tune never forgotten likely 
melted for not being bulls-eyed.