Thursday, 29 July 2021
DJ Boogie Knights (Special Demonstration Squad), 2021
Lex Terrare: Roger Scruton Experiencing the Sublime in Hull, European City of Culture, 2021
Sunday, 25 July 2021
Sarg Yobbo VI (DRAFT)
We tell the common people that if they submit to a code of tyrannical regulations, they shall never be in want. They do submit to these regulations. They perform their part of the contract, but we do not, nay cannot perform ours and thus the poor sacrifice the valuable blessings of liberty and receive nothing that can be called an equivalent in return.
Eating shit earth unbowed steadfast
&red in the face its
understandably puffed anger
of (e.g. human) warmth with salt tears
stepped onto my tongue & spread
a slanting edge of ‘morrow
to incise a name not mine
O & to what many consider actual blood
through the spy gash
from this heart full of ire
down a throat return’d
my free speech betwixt us twain
arm to arm I throw my gage,
my name alive to light itself a name
the furthest verge of caverns gilded blame
or starlings crashing at nights black’d hymn
our solemnities in wax disfigured it
in your desires blood
a single blessedness still
as I give curses to enrich
for 36 yobbos of philharmonic pitch
sang Sarg Yobbery 808,
of boy inverted spells yobbo
1. you are not but apart from
&unfaithed in Margaret Thatcher’s grain
2. sunk a knuckle of evils blame
end end! end life!
end wishes greatly coming from fair ideals!
end this dispraised mood!
brave awake
ere my tongue if you would know
roughcast & strung up
to high heavens lullaby
O for each year a year dead of wall’s chink
in this desiccated evening sick
upon before once my name
that you stole of lesion harelipped false &tuned
as oath on oath of twisted faces
became you& your tarnished places
as to be undelivered
o dear last night under a full moon
some nice person
decided to smash my carwindows
& steal a single B & W 602 speaker
(series 3 - black),
a Technics record bag containing
a Rotel amp
& various cables & cds
& my favourite green jacket
sickly spent this hateful evening
of blood in my eye marveled a negadive
so the river filled shrubs hello
shelved air crashing to smarted circles
mute grot spires give away to show &tell
the enemy within exculpated yobbo scum
England dendritic cell populations
on snake breathe so Georgian
that rites tryst a brooding
history of blood code
dear canary stuck tight
you die tonight by spited numbers
behind a coking plant is a counter-measure
of who dares wins in pearled media blots
out perjury ordered
on day scrim eating GB84
denaturalise neoliberal iterations of freedom
nolens volens undo this present ill
we will continue to live in the daring's
of good vs evil
of freedoms tyranny a bell rings to split
a shortened grip less spike of this bolted body
a nose cap in spite
bladed lodged beside
tears of endless bright
hireling night impeach'd
a cosh made wraith inside
of mainly drunken speech
éminence grise unsickled of life after death
the poverty lobby galvanised me
our wet tories have their ears bent
with stories of appalling hardship
of other territories
spiritual & material
confiscating responsibility
from the individual life
itself unloved to die inside
your alien subject
you that pinhole & flayed
itself outside my trench
bent asunder to the freedoms succeed
be reminded
there will always be some who suffer misfortunes
for which they cannot provide
&they should be helped by
relatives, friends, voluntary groups,
& as a last resort of course
by the State,
realise of faith still violates your name
so laid arsenic on Brook Street
for a quiet life confiscate responsibility again
from the individual the fundamental mistake
is to look to compulsion to do the work of freedom
cannot create what can only be created
by individuals acting on one another
to love miscall in sickness invade
on questions of functions
by taking ordinary people into your confidence,
you will create the army that you need to come,
at last, to victory as life is halted Caroline Cox
at home do you believe in cutting sheath
of undreamed prosperity
O woe a bleeding heart
cured hide skin bracken wide
I close up again the slogs of your necktie
what is the average cost of living in the UK?
with stones wandering to &fro is junk in a orifice
drops bootstrap racked over coals
picked to grow need & show
armfuls crossed stretched wide
to white deb lace curtain
at boreholes to my ear alone
say 'life' is sick
to retreat in cinquefoil rusticum jus
steadily worse I close up
&hide myself a torch of burning wax
weighing two pounds gored from Broughams
to jobless Gambeson on a dead code
asleep in creosote is the same
where life’s hasp flares out
of anguished indictments
&talk of encroachments
a soulless pale of points drooping to hack
at your bodies consumed fires
to thrown to wind reduced to ashes
that old customs died the remaining exploding din
Sarg Yobbo,
kiss into a stump
within the budding grove
of fleshes red for reds sake alone
&hopeless in thrums
to accept them twisted through now silent
I. I Have Always Worked Hard
willing &at minus
hard on burning backbone Barroness Cox,
ascent into blood of children
on the dawn before a mothball drops
so unworkable bootstraped& racked over coals
to a trickle of coded signals picked of need to grow
a backleg, a knobstick knotted to a rattlesnake
a toad &vampire combined
&no it is not a bad business
to have a cork-screwed soul
or a water-logged backbone made of jelly
& glue it fares well when saved with alms
dancing the Carmagnole for a weeks wages
on its deserting dying in smokeless power
blithe in the Scotch mist or money in the mattress
do it for yourself!
Thursday, 22 July 2021
Sarg Yob IV (DRAFT)
O wall a looping hairpin itch reaping
me now dog-legged to an (e.g. human) warmth
&hole stricken as I sing aloud
from this edge& in your light
Dear Sergeant Yobbo,
your brightest human warmth
assuming like other members
the identity of a body who had died young
&be made into braids of armaments
&worships invisible now through the spy gash
a human light made human warmth
to you unmoved clinking ha'porth
made your mouth to not smiling
I speak through the Special Demonstration Squad
using an alias of a stolen life,
an invisible toll clamped tight
an exit strategy of said name of deceased child
Sergeant Yobbo, O hole-strickened hook reaped
my own itch as it haft reaps
slowly deadening attrition
a wreathe spiral flickers up my face
the wind over broken stars
cover the hole of this wall!
I speak your mouths exit a bewitched helve
to eat custard cream biscuits sunk a knuckle
to sunder of thorn by name
by night you have taken
tacked on to a letter
abandon mother & child
in the make-believe activist play
a warmth comes over me
for the most dedicated fathom imagine
broken stars broken
a hole to sunder alone
of thorn by name & night
I can speak through every word unsucked of life
to be a frightening vein
Dear Sergeant Yobbo,
O you have put in the cub
got up the spout, the stick knocked thricely
in the wind this here is a policeman's child
to wash this blood off from my guilty hand
the identity of a boy who had died young
under evensong
of a life misspelt a life mislaid
& love of you
Sarg Yobbo,
twitched life entwined
spy infiltrated my code weaved
of each wastlings
now foresworn to be a forged life
re-emerged of sequences of mine
for me this broken lamp the emails
iamfatherted@yahoo.co.uk have expired
since you ruined my life
in this here cold black pond
a shaft of light stricken white
watching in cleaning them of tears blight
of a hireling this I protest a soul full
for a hardcore militant sowed as a lover
avail oneself of sexual relations for the purposes of
policing this living fear?
with my hand set down on penitence evermore
O woe the unconventional nature of accomodation
in the right age-category or of each others homes
on this sunken heel of mine
Sarg Yob,
of how many are in your creation & unreceived
unforgiven am I the first spawn
competing with a dead child
or I born in reverse of you
Sarg Yobbo,
closed to skin of mine swathed in vela
to be held in covers & sheets
be made into blackjack or baton
upon this cosh a traitor's hand
did set it down with my name
there a promise pass'd speak
I will break it open
within my mouth of rolled & folded papers
an improvised weapon of beermats,
horse brasses, polo mints, shoelaces
& boots squashed together to form a cosh
under your arm unwanted
I am here, remaining as a stealth weapon
Sargin half to create a handle (a haft)
& a rounded head at the fold
it is me your child
your long-lost child
& I have unreservedly emailed
since the dawn of time
& received no response
blot shilled to memory raked with holes
invisible in your mouth sickled
your brightest stifled light
a secret unit nail clawed to grapnel
of a boy who died
of this falsest of lights
in the blood heart defect,
let sorrow sway under the whole data,
personal irrational pellet
on my hanging mouth
I have written with a groan
where did I leave?
& to be returned from your heart-blood name
impeach'd, baffled upon my grave
my given fair name, but not shame at my own foot
of boots squashed together to form a cosh
I do not bid again,
with this hanging mouth
or spotless head
an antithesis of what a good boy should be
spelt backwards of a wrecked request
that malice makes too deep a paw
fanged this crook died in your mouth
when you utterd me'
unsheathed my unlived life
there is no boot with this hanging mouth
or this life be spent betwixt us twain
blood's royalty at spat aim
at I in this foisted bloodrot
this undid my name
& made me Sarg Yob
is boy spelt backwards
curbs me my right drawn to name
a sundered blot in the blood of the MET
a foul for what I speak my body shall make good
upon this earth as a good subject should
spur reprisal & make blood hot
O prodding strange evening
do you remember when you fingerholed my life!
you made of me strange & want nothing
of what you want
a needle sick on this bad life
to make all good,
like a traitor coward stuffed & pricked scapula tight
this injurious mirror-image
formless of touch and further will maintain
these arms of due furbish of home stead
so sighs & tears cover my eyes & ears
Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Work Ethic Unchained IV (DRAFT)
Dominic Raab egad without prejudice
egad save as to costs excise in halting vanes
extruded of all hell can hold to fixing bolts
& O & O &O &O
lovely wall, ground & mine!
I am delivered here
twitching by the lifting bar
a fourth step was added to the ladder I did not see
& I have fallen back inside, a hole 8p wide
in the 'right' kind of innovation, &we
know from our web analytic figures people drop
into twitching sides,
to an insole enmity
&it takes on average 17 minutes for a hole
known as a sanction to silence like a grenade pulse
a kind of bleak croak
by reducing away a last firmament
culling to null & ease anguish
of this our torturing hour God hooked
O grim night Dominic RAAB
turniped to bedevil his government
to chain nothing to nothing & to say
I'll be skydiving from 15,000 feet for no charity
down inside your throat
to go away
until judgment is handed down upon my head
& to wait & to be inside your throats cam rig
to speak for you as your write to the European Research Group
of your indignation of the worst idlers in the world!
O grim night I break my teeth upon the ledger
& grind down bleached out & ask
what is a blue at Oxford?
(a) a sickle spiked inside my chide, unhorned
(b) a twitching lesion of a gullet of a man that night broke off on
(c) sealed to cough and look pale this rattling tongue black as bracken night broke off,