
Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Wilde Justice (We can forever)

water by fire puts the law
badly in the face of things
                                       this America parked, 
the Canyon placards shine
 still with earmuffs and 
         face masks lament
any tears duct to glory
your heart on flags
                            shell order          toward
 the head house
 whiting the suffering
                        so clothe something 
                                to camera's flash 
 and keep it open, 
against the grain of kin
burns like infirm,
your car

                 your childs head 

Sunday, 22 October 2017

mule estate (draft/unfinished)

a very long span of time
like planting 7,000 oak trees
where dreams keep
cotton bricks beside
Jubilee ranch sauce  

bed gastric (draft/unfinished)

the pylons have         given up
             there are people, 
you're beautiful     
          down there too
mandrel that                    
         stupid nature
                                     out of bed salt, 
                     dumbed net     curtains
              your face        
the  neighbourhood watch       
                                             slipped        a view 
spoken through married  
parts a bundle inside 
a local hotel we 
         emptied the stockade 
persons especially 
               the sad Amazon reviews
                 pulled out flat in  the bed  
gastric          to 
 the aisles 
 Valium safely looks at

Thursday, 19 October 2017

banksman (unfinished/draft)


just totalled 
                i cant 
what is there
to celebrate             
licking the lands
                  I betted on  against 
            all    zeroed,
there's none in life
the choiceless ingest 
wrong tapeworm
 flaring up every day white 
swelling the     tender law, 
                    all  clocked             up 
the banksman swells
you hate when gain, so don’t decree
                   the stomach, the limbic choker 
laughing stool hearts the mouth
lactic tonal outside 
to tiring your blood inside,       
colours palinode stretch 
 opal in the street,     
  hole in the sky  capacity      is phobia
the night poverty needs love
travail receiving

Monday, 16 October 2017

Mind only short play (unfinished/draft)

Officer1: Is there another Officer situated?

Officer1 : Is there another officer?

Officer2: Yes, Officer.

Officer1: Has it been beaten in yet! 

Officer2: I think it has been beaten in?

Officer1: Can you confirm it has been beaten it?

 Officer2: It’s very dark, Officer. Too dark to see anything.

Officer1: Can you get closer? In order to inspect it. 

Officer2: Yes, Officer. Getting closer now.

Officer1:So, has it been beaten in then? 

Officer2: Officer, well i don't know but it looks like boot leather.

Officer1: Boot leather.........

Officer2: Yes, boot leather.

Officer1: It is amazing what you can get out of them these days.

Officer2: Yes, it is amazing.

Officer2: Yes............Officer it is very dark.......But I gathered from my inspection that it has been beaten

Officer1: In. 

Officer2: Beaten in, yes beaten in.

Officer1: By how much are we talking.

 Officer2: Very much.

Officer2: I’ll use my foot for measure.

Officer1: Good idea, officer.

Officer2: I’ve kicked it again.

Officer1: Okay, kick it again until you know absolutely.

Officer2: Okay, yes I will kick it in until I know absolutely. 

Officer2: I’ve done that what next.

Officer1: What? 

Officer1: Well has it moved.

Officer2: It’s dark. I’ve inspected, it’s dark. Thats a fact. 

Officer1: Inspect further. Kick it again.

Officer1: Listen! Kick it again and Listen!

Officer2: What next, Officer.

Officer2: I just kicked it again and I’m listening... 

Officer1: And.....

Officer2: I can only hear you.

Officer1: So you didn’t hear..... it.

Officer2: I don’t think so.

Officer1: Okay, Okay.

Officer1: Jump on it.

Officer2: Jump on it, Officer.

Officer1: Yes, jump on it.

Officer2: I don’t wish to jump on it, Officer. I can barely see it.

Officer1: You’ve been instructed, officer.

Officer2: I could pick it up, to see if its been beaten in properly.

Officer1: Yes, do that.

Officer2: Okay, I’ll pick it up then.

Officer1: Yes.

Officer1: Have you picked it up yet?

Officer2: Yes. I’ve picked it up. It’s been beaten in very, very well. A job done


Officer2: Yes, very well. 

Officer2: Should I dispose of it.

Officer1: Very well.

Officer1: Yes.

Officer2: how?

Officer1: You have to bury it. Give it a proper burial.

Officer2: Okay, officer that seems appropriate. What should I say. 

Officer1: Here lies.... (pause)

Officer1: Make it up. It is not going to speak for itself...... so make it up. 

Officer2: Officer the ground is very hard.

Officer1: Bury it. That is proper thing to do. 

Officer2: Officer, I can’t officer, the ground is too hard. Officer.

Officer1: Use the butt of your Mauser to smash it.

Officer2: I am smashing the earth in, Officer but nothing...nothing is budging at 
all. I cannot move any of the earth required officer to make proper burial officer....................... It’s a far too difficult task.
(audible sound of thumping)

Officer1: Try again, Officer.

Officer2: It’s not shifting the earth, Officer.

Officer1: Try again. Smash the earth in, Officer. You have to do it, remember. Its proper.

Officer2: Should I roll it in the carpet.

Officer1: The carpet.

Officer2: I can sink it with carpet. Bury the carpet with water, so to speak. I will tie it to something heavy.

Officer2:I’m attaching it now.

Officer1: Yes, Officer very good now thats a proper burial.

Officer2: Yes, yes officer. Very proper burial a much better idea. 

Officer1: Yes, yes very good.

Officer2: I am rolling it now in the carpet, Officer.

Officer1: Brilliant. Well done indeed.

Officer2: It has received a very, very thorough beating, Officer.

Officer1: It sounds like whoever did this has done a very good job.

Officer2: Its a very good job, officer. Very good. 

Officer2: I’ve rolled it in the carpet now.

Officer1: Very good. Officer 2: Should I throw it in the river now, officer.

Officer1: Yes.

Officer1: What have you tied it too? 

Sunday, 15 October 2017

tenders 1843 (food stays poor) UNFINISHED/DRAFT

If you can’t be free
                     we can't
touch upon 
this landscape
            all  mined out,
the fauna and flora
 fixed on a   
but violable, 
teeth  cloisters 
            foot     in the    
                                    diurnal face
sleep proofed, 
           play this coupon 
                the bone
                       solicits          to relax
about losing 
in defence,    
                           bring      that
                  outstretched hand 
                   pay                it 
to yourself
for the          unfree
                the thing      we do
                 binds      you 
                     the       meeting place,
we continue to think of animals 


The National Anthem 3/3 (DRAFT/UNFINISHED)

               an empty 
                      day thrown from 
roof the
              price crowns    sun 
strokes as
                        lives of citizens
    forgotten bin bags 
                                    our weather,
then pity is aimless
                             the    glass upturns  
                                        our wounded                                          day 
               can     be seen from
                    rich ethers
that we cannot claim
            grounded    in receipts 
we get zeroed on the
faint   alcohol clouds
                                            so drunk on 
 borrowed time,
   these feet 
                       make  less 
                         of hours,
piled upon each other
                         on  communal stairs     to
        break              into the
                  faces gathered 
                                  up there
                 waiting to spit                barbed
tungsten song
                                       as white
as the  impropriety 
of our wage, the
overtime you pray to, 
                           kiss yourself believing 
                       the  coin
           is   real       in the
blood glucose
                     by redacts watch the
expelling flow raise 
                            the heart
  a free willing
                     rate   carries 
 from pump function 
                       to circulation   so
get     on your 
way as
                                   promise  clefts
from a graceless face,
  eating cake
                   is a ersatz nourishment,
 classic  freedom voucher
                   in the cellophane substantival
seals the
 bleeding inside  the mouth
                   to make things stick  
                     but what  remains is a 
metallic taste,    kiss            
                          the  all white-crowns  
                 the American nights are
                                 100 times greater     
                  than moon­ light, switch 
      lancing any 
                               to the ends       
 of day    
                    of sleep
 the stars exit
                   our city

Sunday, 8 October 2017


between the devil 
and the 
deep blue sea

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

The National Anthem (2/2) DRAFT UNFINISHED

in the spokes, 
in proof                                      of less 

                             so       on,        
         just bearing                            this
slanting, rising 

                                           it will                              not be
          to call nothing
                      nothing,          less    
               grateful for

                                                                 what for,
the raids              don't work
                                                                                      they don't fucking work,

and the calm
 animal redress
                   the morning            estuary, 
 set little to little 
did come under press
the way they                                      
                                ought to be,  
gentle turbid                       kept
among grids              raging streets
                 these symmetries 
stints the                   hammered sky 
                                                               as                       one       
   slams on
                                       all water                   works 
                 so reverse the          furtive      
                                             now frozen 
              occurred tarps
winded down 
                                                   yet or later, avian level palate 
                                  hit at the           why                     
  not set down
harsh the lintel grip
block up there,                         
    every one is
a pyrite already 
                               fading with 
a choice 
stopped and            
      searched fake splinters
then pressed in 
to count ways,     
                                                           to lower
against yet less 
never picket                            your regains,                        
        so   flags on 
the roof
now all                                                                                your glory 
in                              personnel with
                                                                     pollens broken

                                                       stuck in 
 all                          the world  
                          toward the end
on blank 
                                                by trial 