
Monday, 13 February 2017


now based
in a wary
vulnerability of being 
a mash-up 
of mainstream popular culture,
tourist videos and self-made 
social media celebrities 
a fragmented world view through the eyes
running through a track listing 
from the outside, to observing
tutorials on the how to
cursor move across tastes, 
ideas and thought processes,
the instability in your life
and all the useless things you buy
the missing reasons to suffer
what home
is to be seen
try and punish
the all-in-one

on your knees 

fake dior (daddy)

I cling too,
nailed together
them upwards where
you most want 
to bang 

all night
has negligible
you say
fake daddy

the type to buy money

in the white bronco 
the parents are safely dead 
of generous evenings
when you hit the cold air at its 
youth, this is perhaps a day
humming: ‘these enigmas will never
be resolved at the level of narrative coherence.’
just use this speed ball against realism 
like your formal order, your empiricism meets
the non-sequiturs 
the cigar smoke 
in the day-lite,
 streamed from houses 

unloved in

Poncho Emergency (3/3) (unfinished/draft)

You're on the balcony

with those model dream hands

running out the petrol smells

are those future

kidney transplants

your children need

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Poncho Emergency (2/3) (unfinished/draft)

you tell me authorised personnel


the white metropolis

spills the rooted male line

inhibitors as by

tying or wrapping

to touch this

stock with

speculum brand

the blurred caloric engine

is a poncho emergency

on the perimeter of quarantine

or homelands

Monday, 6 February 2017

Poncho Emergency (1/3) (unfinished/draft)

of a smart new tent

or in a state of localised impunity

push on the fence line watching you birdie

billet a wind

 like wild

grow the balcony

where we start

to count

three, two, one

sniffing courses

of the festive line

looking for the close-ups

want to watch

them eat a testicle

we are told smells of sausage


to watch them on the fences

you pot that mad

dead adult 

near perfect child

impress the bunker

makes you feel that bypass

over cleared checkpoints

door re-opens


now this is a tracking shot