
Monday, 30 October 2023

Margate ii (DRAFT)



Aged 15, x’ed the patted divan 

from the converge of Swale council 

to the Death of Serpents tail,

the laurel over hard mortar & 

Sanctuary Lodge is laminated 

with CV’s on piloti buried podiums

mixed pounded pebbles

with scrim coinages & TC’s

near Garlinge dirge.

Nothing really is nothing here

its cranked glazing calcined 

DREAMLAND soft in asbestos 

holding aloft all the  

Stephen Christopher Yaxleys

like old panoply of grimoires

& We Are Inside 

Regeneration Project, 

its Formica Stagecoach Souter 

gleams it’s finale 


on Nayland Rock Shelter, 

in stage whispers facedown 

eating floret patrons 

with pilled lunar shards

to be nowhere.

Miles & Barr Boys swilling linctus 

acres of briefcases & toeboxing 

Paul Weller's all shirebussed, 

tucked & milkfed from Mum to Bed,

dropping Bollinger after Bollinger

on natural PowerFloat Concrete floors, 

Estate Agency Award Ceremony 

is my nature, & I chant advocates names

like an incant over cockle rot tables

seawind hard creamed

what beckons archfiends

the gilt-hearted RIBA Architects 

maker of maps, gutter of towns, 

as Arlingtons floodlights a failsafe, 

the meaning demicurls a clique 

cash coloured chubs New Jerusalem, 

Skincare Branded 

Victorian Bathing Machines 

in Farrow Ball Terracotta Rich Colours

the body gyres whisperless prannets 

encircle the cold of this crap flat

& coke starved noses harropdown 

bloody staircases in spastic crosses 

paid by Canters of Tory England,

‘soil taken from it 

to any place whatsoever

kills snakes there’ holm-oaked 

inverted the petal torch is theta

said Thanet council spokesman.