Yaxley barb & searchlights Olympia Rally
I must hear loudly the vetches of headlands
fall on my body, whitey cramps
my spine these vassalages
I do not know how I was covered in ice
& gone suddenly to pathological fantasies
churned by hooks half inside fraternising
counter conspiracies circling
their own stitious cults polity protected
& not me when the underworld emerges
dominates the sane
into the children of the Devil
the next exorcism I call it
the Killing of my Person
now I take my leave
create ferments, discords & hostilities
debilitate the public mind
to the melee of nameless felonies
little immitudes & new geopolitical
stealth hybrids on rim acquis
satin rose petals
every cell & gene
the EU devotes
all the passionate fervor of a senile lover
who sacrifices to his lust the ultimate shadow
of an illusory dignity
on every tangled Groupthink
everything is finally lost
under aegis of stoned plight
Morals & Kingdom
the Strong & the Righteous
& the Invincibility to be the minutes of a
secret meeting scrawled communiques
into Palaces & City Walls
from counterpane bloodrakes
near a stock of petrodollars
falls into my hands like snowdrops
if we are not careful we shall be glad to die
Yaxley breach,,
as the skin re-ruins
& murders all in total predation
& slander kills my dead name dead
this not-dying
Yaxley in arms borne & changed
no less than five times in the morning
marked with sprigs of acacia
the Last of the legitimate
Street Protest Groups,
insides itch a small fraction of this code
for the onslaughts of our enemies
a mere night arranged for Darwinism,
a poll tax demonology
Bookmarks & the flesh of pedos glued
to itself
heavier than life
& renege the press
the weapons in our hands
prepares the ground
limitless merciless vengeance,
prepares the ground
hatreds & malice
prepares the ground
& it is from us
that the all-engulfing terror proceeds
& sometimes you think
a version guzzles as it sees
A Yaxley precious & horizontal
coiled on macadam,
imagine crushing vanes
on their necks
or a flag gets burnt
& pinned to skin
i.e. cannot be used as a valid name
& no forgiveness
as if given new life