Stupid working class Kent scum
I’m the lumpen denominator,
signed austerity into
12 stars over my eye
a technical ripstop
Made in Italy Cocoon shaped
in the morning beating matchsticks
out of your head to gentler fingerdust
banderole canting
Angleterre bouillante
on one leg burrowed in
annuities, solstices, sanctuaries, woes
breakthrough heart my brassic
in wiping off at the diadem floodlights
tonight a social totality
lies outside me, again thorned
around dead fens being dead.
The underclass discussed
on mumsnet
Do we have one? Why?
Who or what is responsible?
When did it all go wrong?
Answers on a postcard
frontier spirited Rosewood
Calf Leathers kick me down
this gangway job pissed town
is yours in a sports bags,
the Empire strikes back
on rattan rabid
its world of elegance
& charm kneed high O
leave my aching brain
pennies in jowl linoleum canceled
to granny’s grey gnomes
painted white brambles
melancholia hammers,
beautiful wires, clemencies
rolled up on goldenrods
pity with Black-eyed Susans
& rust on toolhead Brook,
rolls over my head
to wash pressed down bitters
engram after milligram
below ground,
nerve colonnades to prigs
I had turned back
to scatter in the grass
milkstar flowerose for home
is in luglow iring on mattresses in Kitchens
a hole Turret stone,
my pinpricked chest
hallows iron darts try my back
its free cheap space, of claret rage
with emerald tuck smeared at Penarth
unsoldered to crosstongue
chirrup centres enterprise
white hankies inside Veolia
bin lures said.