Horde the codicil a secrete mouth drops a gateway to block it phone junk threshold starts Monday ropes or orle curl life burns a hole with nettles eat hagstone roof them to your mouth takes the burning soufflés poison away under moonlight cornsilk slithers wet secret, the thrill of hunger in the pleading of a loved one. Hatred in a Nation down every wall, fixture & fitting as peeling skinheads warm-up storekeeper university the entire, whole & perfect service dies attached it to me like a million-petalled flower, doors that close now its Creepy Granny Scream Scary Freddy play Ouija Voices Play Escape Out Play Money Fruit Escape to a darkened cell Green Berets in training born sunk of blood turned white or bone fits under keening a death rapt funny sound at dawn, indian red squiggles itself thru sinuous warren shocks, I Desperado shuddering in lapwings a fist to waterlines inverted sing sundrowned heart-to-heart denatured of nationalwend flagstaff. So start again coughing bluff shrift your door flights oily club peeling skins heads on PEST law & order fetishists Social Toryism breathing on walls, fixtures & fittings, watch oligarchy in a flotilla, murdered out on the dotted line , briquettes for lunch & dinner all the air-conditioners called off Warfares. Bricklayers. Investors. Spade the horde at night gentlemans biases, sidetrack the uplift lost to gale on ancient malice phone ins learn to eat the market failure liquid. Treacle its normal here the piggyback gives back, an ombudsman to flounder up like pats in Estuary waters from the Adult Plan nil, but a One Last Mouth cut to fend still. The old concern raffles pure & simple, put in quartet smelling of perishables I love you, Ouija Voices Play colour iris it fobs out Middle Class Alliance, fobs out League of Empire Loyalists & Elizabethan Party. Warfares. Bricklayers. Investors. Antecedents again &again