Eyes in a bush of nettles
Cool Dawn My National Velvet
the dawn before a mothball drops
& I saw with my eyes feral boys wandering
with cracked heads all reckless with stones
things like that fingertipping this life
around chrome balustrade fronted traffic
the environmental zone & you see her after a cyber attack
slithering on a heatbelt made of ambrosia
a Malware crash button Hepatitis B
or something revealing the details
of a million petalled faces falling as hush sounds
anonymity is sacred Cedric, Epaulette, Falcon, Rochester,
Waterford, Yeastvite & Zara deboned
my love for you our little empty lanyards dangle over eyes pitted
out Serfton archangel partly swollen,
hours never die soft in a rentiers ring-a-rosie
& to all the broad acres
101 of Kennington Common downed formerly enclosing
with other armholes such as larch & paste
My hon.
the landowner crimps my menial dust
& tendon maturities plugged end to end trespass
on land & you will be kicked hard
one inch below the heart
two below the head
no doctor will console your
blood gargled holemouth
from overflowing in the corner
upon a blundered pane of glass
a mirrored grey face appearing
all the while the back of you
Michael Richard Weatherly,
again in borage up to my neck fingering
your holestars you are to the offences
under the 1977 Act blinking on & off
I died through saw stars above to be blinking
inside a billfold slither I croak’d twice
remote to me through a keyhole
I see on all the possible plagues of the world
summoned the whole of canting arms
otherwise known as LASPO introduced by Kenneth Clark
within the territorial extension of the UK
as per Weatherly’s law
terms were made, helmet showed
michael richard weatherly
a rising & falling gigantic heart
forever pumping a scythe
in favour & perseverance of the c3orporate body
there was the creation of closed holes
was an enclosure was by those who acted together
was united in one person before the sovereign
when any lord shall enter the Parliament chamber
to assign to him his place, according to his dignity
& degree, to carry the ensign of the order
for the offence of abstracting electricity,
or climbing through an open window
Michael Richard Weatherley now dead
5 years ago, on the day of…….. , in the county of……….... ,
maliciously damaged an oak tree there growing
knocked the maximum sentence or
cordoned scrap my die-sinker I say sorry
you revel in & say imbibe the venal breads
the plans are ready
& the builders fingers itch deathcharts spreads
on a Sirius rising to a wretched request
solemn oath price as it foils inside
your cavity barrier crowns a civis of pulped Celotex
O borage up to neck fingering your holestars
you are to the offences under the 1977 Act
as I died through stars above to be blinking red
to inside a billfold slither rearose croak’d twice
through a keyhole summoned the whole of canting arms
otherwise known as LASPO introduced by Kenneth Clark
within the territorial extension of the UK
as per Weatherly’s law as if tied to forelock
lighting scraped terms were made,
helmet showed michael richard weatherly
paradice Kingspan lawfully O by finger blocks
grille to purge pavements in your hidden walls are
names who recorded the sentence of death
a blunted projection such as stone, clay or
how they thought to benefit by their own wrong
calling upon the House to screen them
from the consequences of their late violations of the law,
merely, as they stated, because they had been protected
from such consequences before!
On a narrowing purge panel open inward
allows rapid ventilation to scatter in grass
whether or not the persons were subject to ill treatment
within Planning policy targets
fingered blocks window strips shut
Lord,., lord plagued by pigeons
the bottom line is the bottom line!
profits prostrate beneath everything AT ONCE;
make us regret the day that ever doomed us to dreadful shrieks
& horrid cries, but dare not come out.
make Notting Hill Genesis happy
I am Dear Sir
Most truly Yours
Gentlemen engorge this principal client fund DV4
To snapped up subtenure in a skyline of cutpurses
& THE JUDGES thought a letter dropped an FF175BP fridge-freezer
that nothing can be granted on winter oranges swilling blood
snaps on a pawnbrokers borough
Peter John, O.B.E J.C.B affordable rent over the road
& so we must work closely with local enforcement authorities
& the glass in my eye hurts, like full of sand
so we must work closely
Splinters. Webs.
Well trained insects.
We crawl away, towards the hall, & lay still.
The canopy has suffered from impact damage from objects being anti - socially dropped from above.
Tsk tsk tsk Get Living Now
were made, of the building, their fire rubber truncheons
Was narrow. Was just around our heads.
Was flat on your belly. Was up the stairs
‘You must phone the Army, to have them
repair the window, tell them that I am not
doing anything! . . .
‘Did you hear the Army radio ?’
Mumbles unconnected things. Looks
me in the face as if he didn't recognize me.
Keeps clicking away, stops, looks around with
a blank expression of te r r o r & the light
in which I now stand a crown of tapered pilasters
& a ring of perforated Ritblat’s to eclipse the Father
& very soon a need will set you
in all aspects of Contentious Probate, Trusts & Property Litigation
turn my hair for militia &c &c &c
Family Office Club-#1 Largest Family Office Association & Ultra-Wealthy Wealth Management
Thou shalt here further from me when it is
Head Quarters.
Head Quarters
so I returned, & considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun; &behold the tears of such as were oppressed, &they had no comforter; &on the side of their oppressors there was power, but they had no comforter
stretchformed &decambered
small pieces of bone BLEEDING
The public realm areas of the undercroft & service yard will be transformed as part of these proposals as wrenching ammonia, tar & benzene the wholesome air suffers a thorax simmers at home. A new ceiling &lighting system will brighten the space & conceal the numerous pipes & cables mounted to the soffit burning of nausea & itching tears . The garage doors will be replaced with glazed shopfronts for the new offices. The existing louvers in the opposite south facing wall will be fastened shut & forever. The Bins area will be screened & new paving to the shared surface will extend up to the entrance.
Powdercoated aluminium windows are proposed as replacements for the existing. The larger panel is a tilt & turn window which is the default means of ventilation, it will be restricted to a narrow opening in normal use. A slither is always that or die, always red to gush catalyst anomie raided world elopes not to be mangled but. as a last resort spectral failing radiant social pathology The Transmitted Deprivation Research Programme.
Both window halves can be cleaned safely from inside: the tilt and turn window can be disengaged from the safe position and opened inwards. The windows are slightly larger than existing to compensate for the heavier frames and therefore maintain good levels of natural daylight.
To improve the daylighting to the new residential units at mezzanine level and to provide cover to the new entrance at Walkway level , the proposed canopy has been raised up a full storey height. Instead of a downward pitch following the existing it is pitched upward with a gutter and rainwater pipes against the building allowing for a visually more slender and uncluttered profile when viewed from ground level.
The proposed canopy is to be a plywood deck with solid metal deck finish. The underside will be a flush ceiling board, detailed so as to limit opportunities for pigeons to roost , a problem with the current canopy. Maintenance access to the gutters and hoppers will be via hydraulic cherry picker platforms.
A zinc composite rainscreen cladding is proposed to the upper levels. Zinc has the advantage of being a self-finished natural material that will not corrode or weather as a coated finish eventually would. It offers a clean appearance, crisp detailing at joints & an attractive dull lustre. It is not sufficiently robust to use at low level so a combination of dark brick & new high quality concrete facings the slogs of your necktie; They kill inside & never deliver full restitution
The meeting
Jamie Ritblat greyed twice, I imagine you twisted
upright inside as the scale of enterprise pails
in your head dies,,
as the potential for sabotage in the workplace rises
up & up & up
& the starred strange, as bedfellows
squeeze the logarithmic pulse out &
dies keeping the costs running
get polythene PoP inflammable
now stretch it over your grandchildrens heads
tie it with a bit of string
this type of thing is
highly dangerous & was always in
ultimatums graph as it marrows to starry blue
with camshafts I Cry When I Laugh it is that
or die to the decidability of numbers
the whip & the accordion buzzes with joy
tendered Michael McIntyre on hand to provide the jokes
butlers ready to cater for every whim
live camels, monkeys, Vintner commodes
a balloon-filled circus tent, red carpet
for every whispered words cleared in seal
on life as it pins in footholds
in cinquefoil rusticum jus
steadily worsed I close up I remain
dear sir where hasp solders
& indictments encroach the lighter air faithfully
forever blue