
Friday, 12 February 2021

Blood Orbital

Heart of tastemakers in vogue mound 

the Landlord artisans stand 

in some invented urban spring; You

eat chevrons of dried renters blood acute 

eco-piety plastique history maps poverty 

in epic skid marks of rubber,

a double headed city touching me now

in a waiting room tribunal muted mouthfuls of air 

pulled down in succession of heritage versions of history 

played in tumblers and dropped

like golden turds all bas-relief, 

until nature decides to have a laugh 

wipes it all out yt NPC head full of arrows 

glissando this morning nothing 

intimate is loitering in the waiting room

around perfect choirs of rosemary sprigs, 

loosely in this drooling age and other countries?

Thick with pall and wassail lichen messes 

of borage my unkept hair

nouveau riche cutting wind 

free of old star podsnappery

that can't swallow bone

to flaxen tail its equipoise is digit 

railing scenarios about weather 

after growth intelligentsia and its verticality 

from Margate to Aberystwyth 

Penzance to Aberdeen every skin 

lech merciful to our senior partners, 

landed jauntily the pure and impure 

white head has been disturbed 

and the ruling towers of 

'we only need to be lucky once' image macro  

infields a profound caesura in my heart 

came too late and mimics the mires 

we have Dulwich wet bedroom re-enactments 

and the unchanging personnel of this class

war sicked to find the cutting instrument 

bedded in 72 habitable floors

managing a depressed apex of 

tribal rites spraying 

au fond terra incognita .

My trackiebums in fens 

wiping off at the walls of diadem floodlights 

a social totality lies outside

the White cliffs over Dover, 

bones ERG and druids say 

non legitur christen old born

in fleet ditches 

a dodo skeleton waiting room

blood winning ill itch 

courier webs thermal herding

on a magic roundabout 

dusk breaks shivered and skived