
Friday, 23 June 2017

Love Poem (3?/100) (DRAFT/UNFINISHED)

seize             back
made us
 in                us
come ruinous
blood                       there 
must be me,  
hearts  turning 
                                    us out                                                       no  
 in my starter 
collapsing together 
                                                                    to murder
& split hating  
never break  
you are                                      still
 in you, 
 do heart scale 
in water 
 of hot knives
 the dam is  
trilling aboard
i am  outlet 
 cut off                                                                          over
 to patched up fear in 
  chilled mark
much                   even now
with thanks 
 there are                      seldom  distinction 
               called same inside  
our                                                                 places, neither  in red  
someone elsewhere 
noticed lack is inside you play
 out yourself 
 your tiny self  
ribbon  every hole
    they   were    
days  hard 
where     are     you not
     passing      are blanks
 not us committed
 you'd want  no
distended o’ flexible
the aisles
   you in there
 resisting height of trouble

and i